Whoops your right Candis. My bad, must be a little dyslexic today

Larry Throne, MSW

From: "Candis Kalley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Swelling legs
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:04:35 -0400

 I couldn't find "ForeverActive.com" but I found http://activeforever.com/pc-992-5-motorized-oxycycle-pedal-exerciser.aspx.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 3/18/2007 9:16:17 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Swelling legs

I haven't gotten mine yet but I am ordering it from "ForeverActive.com" On the left side of the web site is several links to the products. Click on Exercise Therapy then scroll down. The product name is Motorized Oxycyle Pedal Exerciser. Yes you can assist the motor on pedaling but you don't have to. Right now i don't think I can do much as far as assistance but hope to improve. I have used the exerciser like you discussed and even recently spoke with a welder here in town about building one for me. The ones they use in PT cost quite a bit and this welder says he can make one out of old bicycle parts. I just have to find the old bikes. I am going to look at yard sales ect.......  He is willing to build it just for the cost of the materials & parts. You might call your local Fire Department Union to see if any of them are willing to help you build one. I've discovered that a lot of firemen have all kinds of skills and often are willing to help those of us less capable. Other skilled labor unions could be helpful also. The forever active web site has some interesting products. One of the PT's I know has purchased some items from them and has been very pleased. If you get a Rx from your doctor insurance or medicare might purchase the pedal exerciser for you. Hope all this info helps you.

Larry in Oklahoma where it is going to be a beautiful day!


Subject: Re: [TMIC] Swelling legs
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 02:30:28 EDT

Hi Larry,
Does the pedal machine work completely on its' own power or does it require some muscle action from the user?  I've never seen one for that price.
I need one that needs no work from me as I am a complete para from T3 down.  I used a machine in PT that I sat in my wheelchair and the top was a thing with handle bars that went around and as I pushed it, it not only excersized my arms but my legs went around as well.  I'm fairly certain that I cannot afford one like that.
Just Curious,
Jude in Michigan

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