
We are always here for you. our  prayers and thoughts are with you and your




From: Bernard Pelow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:40 PM
Subject: [TMIC] OT OT help yet again


Dear Family and Friends,
  Once again I write to you in need of support and prayers. After a
successful surgery last Tuesday, Laurie was allowed to come home on Monday.
Well, yesterday she had to be taken back and admitted again as her body is
not getting enough calcium. It was the most horrid experience in my life to
watch my daughter lay on the bed in spastic convulsions, screaming in pain
and not be ale to do anything to help her. This is going to be a loooong
hard road for her, an unknown road for both of us. We have no idea what to
expect, and the doctors say they cannot give us definitive things to watch
for. My daughter is in so much pain, and it hurts to watch this happen to
her. So please please please pray for her to get well, without all this
suffering. There is nothing in this world more important to me than my
children, and they have done nothing in this life but be kind, generous,
helpful people to all they know, meet, and love. This is too much for them.
   I have tried to be the stable, fearless, brave dad, but this is taking a
terrible toll on me also. My anxiety is through the roof, I cannot sleep, I
cannot eat, and if I do it comes right back up. The only doctor I have who
takes Medicare tried me on Klonopin for the anxiety, but it gave me bad
headaches, and did nothing for my anxiety or depression. They said they
could give me nothing at all then, I would have to find a doctor (shrink) in
order to get anything. Well, lo and behold, no shrinks are willing to take
new Medicare patients, like that is something new. So I am at my wits end,
and I also need your prayers, support, ideas or anything you can to help me.
BTW, at least my daughter got into a program called MAP here, and they will
pay for her hospital bills, meds, etc.... there is that saving grace at
least. I know all of you have your own pain to deal with, and it is with
some reservations I write this. It seems these past few months all I have
posted for is asking help for me, I have been very unable to do all that I
would like to do in helping old friends and new ones in the TMIC family.
This is a continuous nightmare for all of my family, my other daughter and
their mom (my ex wife) are at their ends also. But my ex wife and I have
actually come together as a family unit to get through this, in itself
another miracle of sorts. But please pray for all of us, especially Laurie;
she has suffered enough for ten lifetimes in my eyes. Thanks to all of you
who have helped with your messaged of encouragement and hope......
Blessings and Peace,

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