I saw a neurologist regularly for about the first year -- he  kept track of 
my progress and answered hundreds of questions for me. But after  we moved away 
from the area I didn't seek out a new one because there was really  no need 
for me to -- though still having problems I was on a stable plateau,  didn't 
have a need for new testing, wasn't taking any drugs that needed  monitoring.
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 
In a message dated 5/10/2007 12:05:39 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Does everyone here on this site have a neurologist?  I  have only seen the 
neurologist once since I let the hospital, which was in  November 2005.  My 
healthcare is managed by my Physical Medicine and  Rehabilitation 
doctor(Physiatrist).  Any problems that I have had since  my diagnosis in July 
2005, has been 
handled by my primary care physician or my  physiatrist.
My neurologist was key in diagnosing my condition, but once  I was diagnosed 
and received plasmapheresis, the only thing that would help me  after that was 
therapy (which I am still trying to get more of).  I  haven't ran into any 
issues, where my neurologist was needed.  

C-4 quad since July 2,  2005


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