But Frank.....
Am I being foolish in believing that I haven't gotten worse in my 3.5 yrs since 
TM?  Do you think that once the lesion is there as seen on my MRI it always has 
the possibility of spreading the same as a paint chip?  If a paint chip is 
fixed it won't rust.  My MRI shows "scarring" has taken place and that my 
lesion didn't spread.   My neuro was happy to see that the scar (I don't think 
that's the word he used) had formed without pressing against my spinal cord.  
Isn't  the  problem now a  scar vs. a nice shiney myelin covering?  

Patti - MIchigan  


 I am quickly 
> gaining new symptoms.  I have been  thinking that I might be "sick in the 
> head" 
> but I know that my symptoms are  real.

Ok, Listen up, Here is my story, the allegory (?), similie (?):

You are driving behind a dump truck in you new car.  A piece of pebble fly on 
to the hood of your car.  When you get home you find only a very small dent in 
the paint of the hood. You go inside, put your food away and forget about the 

Three months later you notice a very small brown spot on the hood- just a very 
small patch of rust under where the pebble hit.  You are in a rush. and forget 
the spot.

Four months later you notice the rust spot is enlarging, moving both right and 

Six months later, you brake for a red light, and your hood flies off your 
vehicle and hits a car crossing the intersection, breaks the drivers window and 
slices half way through the driver's neck.

All because of a pebble?

That's how TM slowly acts in your spinal cord.


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