Anyway, who else has burning pain like this in their  feet all the time?  It 
really never, never leaves me.  I was checked  on an MRI for MS cause my pain 
was so severe.  Dr. said my pain was out of  the norm to be as severe as it 
was but she believed it was real.  Natalie  
Hello Natalie,

This one is kind of hard to answer.  I have pain 24 hrs a day also,  mine is 
from my waist level to my toes generally, but sometimes a bit  higher.  It is 
at different levels, depending upon how close it is to my  next dosage of 
Neurontin.  But, I used to think that it was at a level 8  when it got REALLY 
especially if my legs started to spasm.  This past  week I had overdone it, 
which I haven't done in quite a while, and I decided  that the "old" level 8 
must have really been about a level 6.  My back hurt  so bad that I was 
screaming when rubbing ICY HOT on it.  Sometimes I think  it's what our pain 
is at that time, and some of us have a higher  threshhold for pain.  We are 
all different, and it's often hard for doctors  to qualify our pain levels to 
see if we are exagerating or not.  They don't  want to under or over prescribe 
to us.
Back to overdoing it - 2 days in bed and back to almost what is normal for  
me.  I've never had that kind of pain that I can remember though for  overdoing 
it.  Well, not since the onset of my TM!  That was not even  measurable.  If 
they say that a 10 is suicidal, I guess it had to be a  9.99.  I've never even 
given suicide a thought, so it has to be darned  close to a 10.
Anyway, I hope all is well other than the pain.  You can't let  TM run your 
life, have to live it with TM.
Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn, CA

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