Candy wrote:

I do believe in the message that the Montel show was trying to convey - individuals define themselves no matter what life throws at you. You need to learn to take what God has dealt you and help whomever and wherever you can. I believe in the philosphy that we all are put on this earth for a reason, we may never know why and it may not be immediate in the changing. We all are just one small piece of the puzzle and the whole picture isn't clear until all the pieces are put together as a whole.

Well, that's my 2 cents on this subject.


As to Spreading the Word: mailings? Brochures we could print out and send to hospitals? Information flyers in pdf form that people could print out? The Reeves Foundation was the best source of information with that wonderful handbook on SCI....

I ache to save someone some of the hell I went through with administrivia--- if I had the wherewithall, I could create a better/competitive home health care agency for this market, better transportation for the disabled, shopping services ( there are NO grocery stores which deliver in this city--- but there is a pet food store that does!).... I started to create a list on accessible housing--- the one I got while in the nursing home from the local Center for Disability Rights and HUD, was wildly inaccurate including phone numbers that didn't work and complexes that no longer existed..


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