That makes sense, Gunny - unless you realize that it didn't start hurting until 
after about 9 months.  By that time I was easily walking a mile a day, and 
occassionally, even close to 2 miles.  Before TM hit I walked a lot (a 15 
minute mile) and even afterwards, would often stand to push my wheelchair as 
soon as I was able.  (The morning TM hit, it was sudden, just 1/2 hour after I 
finished walking my usual 3-4 miles!)  And this is the good hip where I only 
lost feeling on my skin, no paralysis on this side.  
On the other hand, maybe it could have atrophied before I got back to being 
able to walk and I walked too much, too soon, w/o rebuilding the muscle first - 
I don't know.  It's something I hadn't considered.  

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