Yes, I've had that experience with a doctor who wouldn't  refill 
prescriptions without an appointment, even though I have been taking the  same 
medicine at 
the same dosage for years.
I figure it is a way of covering their bases legally. 
What really burned me once was that when my doctor suddenly  left his 
practice, and I called one of his partners to get a refill, he refused  to do 
since he had not seen me -- even though he had the charts there with my  
and if my dr. had been merely out of town, he would have refilled it. He  also 
didn't have any appointment open in the time frame I needed, so when I  asked 
the nurse what I was supposed to do she told me to go to urgent care. He  
wouldn't even give me a week's worth until he could see me. I finally called 
other partner, who I had seen a few times when my dr. was away, and he 
refilled  it with no problem. And when I chose a new dr. I went to a different 
practice.  :)
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 6/15/2007 3:49:09 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

My  pharmacist called me the other day to tell me that
my PCP won't refill one  of my meds until I make an
appointment.  I called the doctor, and the  person I
spoke to said it has been too long since my  last
appontment.  I explained that I have mobility
problems.   I asked if they would refill my BP
medication, she got angry and said  NO!  I asked
if it wasn't dangerous to just stop a Blood  Pressure
medication, and she said it is but I still need to
make an  appointment.  She was rude and hostile.

I agree that I am overdue  for an appointment,
but I DON'T agree with these strong  arm
tactics.  They could at least give me a smaller
refill of my BP  med until I can get in there.
Doctors make me sick!

Anyone else have  this experience?



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