Natalie said 'I was wondering what type of affect you have on your body in 
T6-T8?  Numbness, pain?  Are you able to walk.  I've always wondered when folks 
get TM in 2 or 3 levels of the spine how it is.  If you don't mind, I'm just 
trying to educate myself on TM.  I have it from T12 down and in a w/c.  Did you 
have Rehab in your state?'  Natalie, I never thought of this as being '2 
levels' b/c they said 'between T6 and T8'.  But what do I know?  :)  The 
paralysis was only from below my right rib cage, down.  On the left, I wasn't 
paralyzed, only numb skin.  My skin is still numb in many places on the left 
side.  On the right, I was able to wiggle a little muscle in my knee about the 
3rd day so they sent in the PT's, and improved from then on.   The only 'rehab' 
I had was in the hospital, where I stayed 2 weeks after being diagnosed.  I 
could walk with a walker when I left the hospital, but it was REALLY SCARY!  I 
only did what they made me do - like they couldn't understand how hard it is to 
put weight on my right foot when I couldn't even FEEL my right foot!   But now 
I can walk fairly well - even without a cane, though not too fast or for too 
long.  Feeling and balance and (most of all!) endurance vary from day to day, 
week to week.  Even during the day, I might feel close to normal in the morning 
but feel like I can barely move or think at night!  But at least I can walk.  I 
gave up my wheel chair after 6 months, but really only used it for going places 
(and to hang my shopping bags from!) - never used it in the house after I came 
home.  As for pain, I had none at first since I was numb, but as feeling slowly 
returns, I feel more and more pain - but seldom bad enough to take meds, other 
than 1 or 2 8-hour Tylenol so I can sleep.  So I know I'm lucky - but I still 
understand the frustration of not being able to function normally - especially 
since I haven't been able to return to work yet!   Best of luck to you in your 

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