This feeling must be universal---I wrestle with it all of the time.
Whenever it overtakes me, and I do try hard to resist it, I soon
become extremely angry with both the Devic's and myself.  Why can't I
have the stamina to work and be productive?  Why did this horrid
disease come upon me and take away my quality time with my children?
Why does my life have to consist of one huge Dr.'s appointment? Why?
Why? Why?  There is no reason, or at least none that is clear to me at
this time.  And so, I have to make the best of my situation as it is.
In my life there are people who love me---people who don't see my
disease, but see me as a person.  People who value my opinions.
People who are just plain happy to see me each and every time that we
might chance to run into each other.  Sometimes I have to give myself
a quick smack in the head to remember this, and to value the many good
things  that I do have, the many important relationships that have
still held steady in spite of my disease.  As for those who now shy
away---they've done a great disservice to themselves by placing value
on the *healthy* body* and not character and spirit.  It's their loss,
not mine.

Hugs to all.

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