Hi Sandy,

I had the EP test over 10 years ago, before I was dx'd with TM. When the MRI was being scheduled yesterday,
they said they are doing it with and without contrast dye.

I have had TM since 1988. My hand problems began about 3 years ago, after I took a very bad fall onto my hands on a garage floor. I was told that I had carpal tunnel syndrome around the same time. My left shoulder
has also been feeling 'locked up' and painful lately.

Thanks for your thoughts.

Take care,

Sandy Heidel wrote:
I have a lot of numbness and tingling in my hands along with chronic pain. I had a test called Evoked Potentials at the onset of my TM. They glue sensors on your head and all over your body. They test for nerve transmission. It can show areas where there is a break in transmission and also a slowing. They do visual and hearing tests at the same time using these same sensors to see if there is nerve damage there. But the others sent a small electrical charge from my hands up and from my feet up and then the computer measured the time and all that jazz. What it pinpointed was that there was a slowing of the transmission of nerve signals at neck that also confirmed what the MRI showed as the area of my first TM lesion C 4 - C 5. The MRI showed the location of the lesion and the size. The EP test showed the effect the lesion was having. My hands have not cleared up over time and in fact whenever I am having a flare up my hands tell me first. I have a friend who has the same symptoms but hers is from a pinched nerve from a bulging disk in her neck. I also know that the numb and tingling hands can sometimes be from diabetes. Both of those have been ruled out for me. If you have lesions in the cervical area they may be the cause for you. Are the hand problems new for you?? The reason I ask is that they may be new lesions if you did not have them in the cervical area before. And if so, when you have your MRI you might want to consider having the contrast dye. When my disease is active and I have an MRI my lesions light up like little light bulbs and say "look at me!"
Just my thoughts,
----- Original Message ----- From: "Kevin Wolfthal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <Tmic-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 5:43 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Neurologist visit.

6:30 am now.  I crashed when I got home
from the neurologist last night.

No dx for my hands yet, didn't expect one.

As expected, he wants me to get an MRI
of the neck and an EMG of the arms.  He also
mentioned a nerve biopsy, but he wants me to
get it in NYC because he doesn't like how
they are interpreted in my state, (CT).  I
haven't agreed to the nerve biopsy yet.

At least he didn't disagree with my dx of

He mentioned a number of possible ailments
that could be causing my hand/arm problems.
Everytime I asked him if there was a treatment
for any of them he just said 'no'.

I liked him as a doctor, but overall I am
disappointed.  I will be getting some PT
for my hands.

Thank you to everyone who sent replies
about TM and reflexes.   Doctor said
that hyper or hypo-reflexia, (sp?), do
not preclude a dx of TM.  At least
that was my understanding of what he


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