was thinking more of a pamphlet than a manual, I  guess.  But why not do both 
- a 'novel' type of book to tell the  stories - and - a pamphlet with 
information in it, for doctors to hand out to  newly diagnosed TMers.  Because 
as you 
gather information for your book,  I'm sure you'll get, at the same time, 
people's suggestions for what works for  them, and what doesn't.  
That's funny; I wasn't thinking of any kind of manual,  but your idea about a 
pull-out pamphlet is wonderful.  I believe that it  ought to be written by 
someone with more knowledge than I.
There have been a couple of manuals already written  and it is my thought 
that they haven't gone over very well at getting TM out  there and made 
interesting to the public.  
So...my idea is to turn each persons story into a  drama of sorts...something 
with "heart" that will grab at a person's soul and  make them want to be a 
part of something bigger, such as finding a  cure.
I guess I haven't given the List a clue regarding what  I want to do 
therefore I've gotten very little response.  That's something  I needd to do, 
but I 
didn't realize what I wanted to do until reading your  email.  I want to show 
each of us as a person, make us real.  Let each  person offer something 
different, to tell their story and the personal  experiences they have had to 
I loved Grace's story about falling at the store and  no one would help her 
get up....people need their eyes open!!!  Do they  realize how they are 
treating people with disabilities?
I, we, want people to end up knowing what it feels  like to be stricken with 
TM, from onset to those of us who have taken our own  lives, to those of us 
who have chosen life and what we have to do to get on with  living it.
There has got to be fact, heart, and Truth, Truth,  Truth.  .
Who out there has an opinion?  Are you going to  share your stories and your 
lives with me.  Do you want to write a chapter,  a particular topic?  
I love you...haven't heard lately from Bob in  PA.  Anyone know where he is.
Oh...by the way, My pyloric valve was stuck shut and  my esophogus, small 
intestine and stomach are full of huge, white patches of  ulcers.  And, the 
insurance company is fighting with my doctor regarding  the medication he wants 
prescribe.  And, it hurts like  crazy.
I know one thing we need to do and that is find a way  to show the way that a 
paralytic who does not have sensation can "feel"  pain on the inside.  It 
drives me nuts that the very first thing, in my  experience, is that if I go to 
ER, directed by the Dr., the assumption is that I  am an addict out looking for 
drugs to support my  habit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me know what each of you  thinks.

Our present troubles are quite small and  won't last very long. Yet they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that  will last forever"

2 Corinthians 4:17

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