Oh Natalie, sometimes our kids can be such pains.  I'm sure she is well
meaning, and that her heart is in the right place.  Don't let anything
frighten you Sweetie.  Just have faith in your  surgeon and know that he/she
is very competent and will do a good job.   And please don't get yourself
into a brawl.  I don't want to see your mug shot on CNN!

Love you much and will miss hearing from you.
. <8/@yahoo.com>
>   ,
> Hello Natalie,
> You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  Please let us know when you can
> about your condition.  Or, you can have your husband send us an email, if it
> wouldn't be too much trouble.
> Keep your thoughts positive.  And, I'm hoping for a better quality of life
> for you.
> Big Hugs, Barbara
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