Hello Gang,
After more than a year suffering through too much pain than my  5200mg/day 
Neurontin could handle, I have seen a new neurologist who has started  me on 
Lyrica as a chance of getting my pain under control.  She didn't want  to 
increase my Neurontin, and I wasn't really interested in that either.   She 
helped me with better information about my Baclofen dosing and spasms,  so 
working out much better.  I've actually been getting a bit more  sleep at 
I didn't really want to change anything around, as I was doing  well on the 
Neurontin for 8 yrs.  Well, that is until it just wasn't  handling the pain.  I 
was doing well without any bad side effects.  I  had some speech problems 
where I couldn't grasp my words for the entire time  really, some weight gain, 
but not really anything else that was noticable or  that I remember at the 
moment, lol.  Heck, I've taken it for so long that  I'm used to whatever state 
I'm in.  It takes someone on the  outside to notice that I'm a bit odd or 
Can anyone out there tell me how long it took them to get over  the really 
bad fatigue factor?  So far I'm not noticing any  other symptoms.  I've taken 
for 4 days now, and am still on the  same dosage of Neurontin.   The  doc gave 
me 50mg caps, and  told me to take for a week before changing my regime with 
Neurontin.  I am  then to raise it and lower my Neurontin based on her 
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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