Hi Barbara,

Sorry to ask so many questions, but would you mind telling me what brand/model of chair lift you have? I am mostly concerned about frame damage to my car from an overloaded hitch. I don't think I could drive a car bigger than mine though. It is the perfect height for me to get in and out of. Regarding disability insurance..I did have it for 24 months, at which point the ins. company pulled a dirty trick and cheated me out of it. I fought for as long as I could to reinstate it, but it was affecting my health, so I had to stop. Glad to hear you kept yours. Luckily I still have good medical insurance.

My Mom had to have ALL of her lower teeth pulled last week, plus some bone surgery in her mouth. She went through it like a trooper. She is going to have a partial made. Otherwise, her biggest problem is depression/anxiety, and her short-term memory isn't great. But she is doing pretty well considering she is 84, and she worked in clothing sales until she was 80. Her depression got much worse when she stopped working, but she couldn't stand all those hours. We are going to have her medications and memory checked soon. I think her meds may be affecting her memory. Physically she is doing very well thankfully. Thank you for asking about her. We have been using nurses aides to help out for a few months, and it has made a big difference.

Take care,

Hi Kevin,
When we used the Toyota Sienna Van the other day, our other vehicle that I generally drive, we noticed that when we went out a driveway we hit the hitch. Pete was talking about looking into the possibility of putting caster/s on the hitch to prevent this. I just talked to him about your situation with your Subaru and he said to talk to the people who do your hitch and ask what you can do about that. Also, we bought my scooter, as my insurance doesn't cover it. I had enough trouble getting them to cover my wheelchair when I got it renewed last time since I can walk. I told him that in order to have any decent quality of life that I also like to go shopping, to fairs, etc. and needed the chair to do that. So, it finally got approved. We bought my scooter second hand, and it comes apart in 2 pieces so Pete always broke it down and put it inside our vehicles. The problem is that if I wanted to go out on my own I can't do it as it is way too heavy for me. So, I just didn't go shopping or anything like that. I'd go to the grocery store, Target, etc., but only a place that has grocery carts and better yet, the electric ones. Now that we have the lift, we can use on either vehicle. I haven't gone out to the mall or anything like that on my own since I've had TM, so now that we have the lift, I may. I have hated the idea of driving around town with a lift and chair on the back of my vehicle forever, but finally had to give in. Eventually, I guess we all give in or give up, and I'm not about to give up. We bought the lift second hand, and it needed modifications that we weren't expecting. We didn't have a choice though. We had to add a swing arm for each of the vehicles, as we couldn't have accessed the rear of the vehicle otherwise. We got a waiver of sales tax on the swing arm since it was new due to the disability placard. I guess there's something with the state that gives you this. So, none of it was covered by our insurance. Bummer, but it makes our lives more full. I'm also fortunate that I am married and we both have incomes, so it helps to be able to save up a bit, look for a good deal (or what starts out looking like one), and getting what looks to be helpful. I am so happy that I have my disability insurance. I fought my ass off to keep it, and almost missed how they were trying to cheat me out of it. By the way, how is your mother? I haven't heard you talking about her lately. Gotta go for now, you take good care, and let me know how this whole scooter thing works out for you. I am hoping that it will open up a worold of freedom for you. Hugs, Barbara

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