Hi Randy,

I had the weight problem, too.  Went into the hospital weighing 112 the
first time, and came home from rehab weighing 130.  Even now, I have to
fight to stay thin.  I'm just not comfortable with any weight on me, plus
want to stay within the handicapped weight stats in order to ambulate in the
event that I'm paralyzed and end up in a chair again.  My neuro told me to
stop thinking I'm fat.  He says he'll let me know if he thinks I'm getting
too big.  Shoot, I almost fainted at the office whenever they weighed me.
As for the veggies and fruit.  Been there.  I love them, and that's about
all I eat anyways, but losing a few pounds is still almost impossible.
Sigh.....it's so frustrating.


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