*I agree Todd---everyone's exercise needs are different.  Before getting
hit with this, I had very well developed calves, having been a long time
disance walker.  Within a year, my calves had dwindled down to almost
nothing.  It took a lot of hard work to get them in shape again, and since I
overcompensated with my left leg, it became a lot more developed.  Now, I
have changed my method of walking.  Instead of stepping up with the good
leg, and down with the bad, I do it in reverse.  My right calf is slowly
starting to build itself up again.  They still  don't respond anywhere near
to the way that they used to, though.  Standing up from a sitting position
is really tough, and often I need assistance.   If I fall on the floor (And
*a fairly regular occurence.), usually I have to phone someone for help, or
sometimes I just stay there and chill, until I hear someone in my hall.   I
wear a Life Alert necklace, but will not use it unless I actually hurt
myself.  *
*Grace      *

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