Hi Michelle,
You say that your daughter lost her eyesight? It sounds more like she has ADEM, 
or NMO rather than TM, which is similar, but can affect the eyes as well. Has 
anyone looked into that?
I hope that you are able to get some answers.
Best wishes,
(TM @ T1 since March 2004)

Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 02:07:53 -0800
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #23

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

tmic-digest Digest                              Volume 2008 : Issue 23
Today's Topics:
  Re: [TMIC] Re: [Transverse Myelitis   [ sal r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  [TMIC] Re. Subscribe                  [ Kenneth Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  RE: [TMIC] Re. Subscribe              [ Larry Throne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
  [TMIC] Re. The Thought for Jan. 20,   [ Kenneth Oliver <[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2008 16:29:54 -0800
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: [Transverse Myelitis Support] New to list - HELP Please 
Tampa  Jacksonville

hi michelle here is a website you can go to and get more information about a 
experimental therapy going on in Florida.     

CANDIS KALLEY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:        Michelle,  I am so sorry you 
are having so much trouble finding a neuro.  Most doctors and neuros don't even 
know about TM or any of the  related diseases.  What if you called John Hopkins 
- Pediatric Neurology: 410.955.4259
     Adult & Pediatric Neurosurgery: 410.955.6406  Maybe they can refer you to 
a neuro in your area or close
 by.    I'm confused. Are you in Chicago?  I believe that several people on the 
support website live in the Chicago area.  Maybe they can refer you to their 
neuro.  OR are you in Gainsville?  I would give you the name of my neuro - who 
knew about TM but only knew about it but not very knowledgable on TM 2 years 
ago, but thats almost 400 miles from Gainsville, but if all else fails, write 
me and I will give you the info.    I would think that the university up thin 
Gainsville would have someone knowledgable on neuro disorders or at least 
curious about it.  Sounds as if you have some of the doctors that fall in the 
range of "not knowing and don't have the time to dig or don't care to dig into 
what could be".  I do know that we have several in our group from the Tampa and 
Jacksonville area. Maybe they will answer and give you their neuro's info.  I 
wish that I could find the original
 website that I had 2 years ago and 2 computers ago.  But I did find the NINDS 
  which states that the spinal fluid "contains more protein than usual and an 
increased number of leukocytes (white blood cells), indicating possible 
infection".  I wish that I could be of more help.  If I can, or you think I 
can, please let me know.  Prayers and thoughts for you and yours,  Candy K.  
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle B" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 3:42:26 PM (GMT-0600) America/Chicago
Subject: Re: [Transverse Myelitis Support] New to list


We have been to so many Neurologists and they all just send her away with a 
follow up appt in hopes she'll get better on her own and with therapy. I get so 
frustrated because no one knows what happened or they say it is 
psychological...I know there is something wrong and get no help so I have been 
researching a lot. It is hard to find a Pediatric Neurologist in this area that 
will take the time. 
What exactly is found in the Spinal Tap fluid? She has had one done. I have a 
large 3 inch binder full of all of her medical records. 
In October she was fitted for HKAFO leg braces that go from her waist to her 
toes and assist her in standing but due to
 her not being able to have the strength or stamina she doesn't get upright 
much, if she does we worry about her passing out sometimes.

Check out her website...www.caringbridge.org/visit/brittanybarrett



I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. 

Has your daughter had a Spinal Tap? There is a protein in the fluid that points 
to TM. It took 3 MRI's to find my leisons and then it wasn't even the Neurogist 
that found the leisons but the MRI tech. Then it was in for another MRI 
without/with contrast. 

Dr. Kerr at John Hopkins is the leader in the field of TM. My neuro consulted 
with Dr.'s at John Hopkins but only after my insistance. Has your daughter's 
neuro done the same? The John Hopkins website has a direct line for doctors for 

I waited 5 or 6 days for a diagnosis while
 given every test known was ran. Other than TM, I'm in good health and I know 
alot of what I don't have. Hopefully, your daughter's doctor(s) have done the 

I did have a relaspe 3 days after being released from a 26 day hospital stay - 
the relaspe left me as a quad. After 3 days, I had Plasma Exchanges (PLEX) and 
within 24 hours started being able to open my hands from a fetal position. I 
had a total of 7 PLEX treatments in the hospital with an additional 4 on an 
outpatient status. 

After each PLEX treatment, I gained more physcial ability. I now walk like a 
drunk, but I am up and walking. In the house I use the walls and furniture for 
balance. Out and about, I use a cane, 4 wheel walker, or my scooter for longer 

Hopefully, you can find a Dr. that knows or is willing to investigate what is 
your daughter's problem. 

Prayers and thoughts for you and yours, 

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
 "chellebear5" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008 1:16:12 PM (GMT-0600) America/Chicago 
Subject: [Transverse Myelitis Support] New to list 


I am new to this list. I have a sixteen year old daughter that 
passed out in June 2007 and has been paralyzed ever since. She has 
major lower back pain, can't move or feel from her mid thigh down, 
she gets headaches, lost her eyesight (it is slowly coming back), 
can't feel her bladder when it is full, and so much more. She 
couldn't move from her neck down when it first happened but within a 
few days she was able to move her upper body (very weakly). She was 
in ICU for 12 days, been back and forth to 22 specialists, been to 
All Children's Hospital an hour and a
 half away, been to Mayo Clinic 
in MN and still no diagnosis. She has passed out several times since 
June. The scariest was two weeks before Xmas when she passed out and 
stopped breathing. The EMT couldn't get her to breath on her own or 
respond for 45 minutes. She was a perfectly healthy girl, never been 
sick, track runner and head cheerleader. Now she is paralyzed and no 
one knows why. At first they thought MS but there were no lessions on 
her spine or brain MRI's. She gets an MRI every other month. The 
Pediatric Neurologist in Mayo said she doesn't "feel" that my 
daugther has Transverse Myelitis but after reading everything it 
sounds exactly what happened to her. I have been researching a lot 
since I just found out about this disease/disorder a week ago and 
found the Johns Hopkins Hospital and University of Miami that have 
centers that specialize in this disease/disorder. She attends 9 
therapies a week (Physical
 Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and 
Aquatics Therapy). Can anyone please give me any information, any 
doctors who may specialize in this, or maybe give me some direction. 
Any assistance is appreciated. 


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--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 17:32:17 -0700
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Re.  Subscribe




--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 20:41:52 -0600
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Re.  Subscribe

Hey Ken, welcome back, longtime no talkie. Hope your doing well. How's Texas?

Larry in Oklahoma who is cold and windy

To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 17:32:17 -0700
Subject: [TMIC] Re. Subscribe


--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 23:11:44 -0700
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Re.  The Thought for Jan.  20,  2008


       Jesus precious Saviour, was homeless and often hungry.  He had

   not a where to lay His head.  He was wearied oft.  Humanity is honored

   because Jesus assumed humanity to reveal to the world what humanity

   may become.  He came to bring life and immortality to light, to  to fill

   the commonplace, homeliest pursuits of life with brightness.  Jesus is

   bending over us, searching into our characters to see if His own

   character is reflected in us.


   That I May Know Him  P. 47


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