In answer to several questions ...

Altace (ramipril) was originally prescribed by my cardiologist. I have congestive heart failure probably caused by several minor infarctions. [I believe my spinal stroke was probably caused by an infarction within the cord.) About the same time I was put on two diuretics (lasix and spironolactone). Aldactone (spironolactone) is indicated for, amongst others, “congestive heart failure - for the management of edema and sodium retention when the patient is only partially responsive to, or is intolerant of, other therapeutic measures. Aldactone is also indicated for patients with congestive heart failure taking digitalis when other therapies are considered inappropriate.” At that time I was taking digitalis; I no longer am. Aldactone helps in the control of my asthma and COPD. [I am pasting in text from various pages.]

I am strongly considering discontinuing Altace, mostly because of a persistent, often unproductive, violent cough. “In a later 1-year study, increased cough was seen in almost 12% of ramipril patients, with about 4% of patients requiring discontinuation of treatment.” After all these years, this was overlooked until I saw a surgeon last week about repair of an abdominal hernia. “Unless you get over that cough, you’ll just get another hernia.” Such subtleties get through my thick skull.


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