-----Original Message-----
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thu, 21 Feb 2008 3:47 pm
Subject: Visit to Dr Kerr

????? I made my annual pilgrimage to see Dr. Kerr yesterday (9th visit in 9 
years) and I want to update the list. As usual he adjusted and or added meds 
based on my main problems. I am going to try and stop taking the 
4-aminopyridine (potassium channel blocker) and see if I notice any negative 
feelings...if I do I will go back on it. I am also cutting out the diazapan I 
take at night to sleep and replacing it with a prescribed sleeping pill...which 
hopefully will not leave me groggy in the morning as I still work full time and 
drive more than 1 hour each way (welcome to New York). He also recommended that 
I cut down on some of my exercise such as the treadmill and replace it with 
swimming. Up to now I have been swimming and exercising, so i will just do the 
swimming which is low impact and will not mess up my knees,hips etc.?
???? As always I asked him when he is going to perform stem cell surgery on 
me....his answer was "after the next President takes office". It does not 
matter which party you vote for (McCain is for Stem cells) as long as Bush is 
gone. This surgery may come to late for me as I am now 60 and have had TM over 
10 years, but I am certain that in the next few years help will be available to 
both the younger victims as well as the older people whose occurance is less 
than 2 years old. I even asked if any procedures were being performed on humans 
in other parts of the world such as Israel or China and he implied that America 
is the furthest along on stem cell research.
???? I? am probably leaving out some things so feel free to ask any questions 
you like. As always Dr. Kerr makes me feel somewhat better and remains the 
only?Neuro I see.

My very best to all of you!!
Rob in New Jersey
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