I stepped on a live wire Labor Day  weekend (Sept. 05) or so it seemed.  
Didnt know what hit me.  Couldnt  move my legs at all.  For the first 5 mos. I 
in rehab 6 days a week,  twice a day.  After that I have been faithfully 
going to some sort of  therapy and training 2 to 4 times a week for 2 years 
Doctors still  havent firmly labeled it TM.   Some think I had a stroke of the 
spinal  cord. 
     However,  the results are the same and my symptoms echo most of the 
people on the  list.  I am lucky in that I do not suffer pain anymore - just a 
great deal  of discomfort, fatigue, etc.
        Take care, Rosalie

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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