Gaylon:  Welcome to the group!  I've been eligible since October 2002.
6months is an incredibly short time with TM.  I was in denial for a
year--no, not in denial about the disorder, or that I had it, but I couldn't
accept what it had done to me.  I lied to myself about what actually had
happened to me.  This group helps those of us who ask, who lurk, and who
can't keep from making jokes or going off the deep end--we have a w-i-d-e
variety of folks here.  First things first:  depression is all too common,
and it is a chemical problem: don't be brave, or strong, just get help:
Most of us find that it really messes with our memory, our sense of hope,
our sense of ourselves, and our ability to multi-task!  Who knew that taking
care of multiple things at a time flies out the window when De Depression
Hits. when that spinal cord is messed with, it takes away more than muscle
and sensation.  Oh, and we care deeply for one another here, too.
Cora in OK

>   This is a first time response to the group so I want to find out if this
> gets through. I have had TM for only 6 months,and have been through an
> incredible swing of events to me. I will respond more if this message makes
> it into the group.
> Gaylon, in Georgia
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