I just wanted to add something more to what I wrote before.  A friend of mine 
on the list asked a question about why not eating wheat helped me?  And I 
realized I didn't say that in the e-mail.  So the reason I went off wheat is 
because I am allergic to it.  The Dr. told me 3 or more years ago to stop 
eating it, or to eat very little. I was also told by the lady that does my 
facials, when I can afford them, that the breakouts I was having around my chin 
and jaw was a wheat allergy.   But I didn't listen.  So finally when I had been 
told about 10 times I listened and did it.  Since I am allergic to is it causes 
inflammation in my body.  With the inflammation gone, the pain it gone.  I hope 
this clears up what I was talking about.  

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