For a week before getting hit by TM I felt like I was fighting a cold or the 
flu.  I told that to my doctor but way back then they didn't even have a clue 
about TM. I also had a blister on the palm of my hand that was some what 
infected. One of the doctors indicated he thought that could have been a 
pathway to the imune system going hay wire. So over the years I got to thinking 
see, a little hard work does hurt ya!
Larry in Oklahoma who is waiting for spring to spring!

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2008 08:57:28 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: [TMIC] Another unidentified becomes identified!Has anyone onset 
been from a virus?  Another thing I experience that my neurologist thinks is 
something other than TM is if I am out in and it is windy or  cold and tense up 
almost as if to shiver,  my legs stiffen up and I have a hard time walking.  
Has anyone experienced that?There, I did it, I am now identified!
Rita  (Snowing BIG TIME in Cleveland)Rita:  welcome, welcome, Come right in and 
sit down at the (virtual) kitchen table!  We are a very special buncha folks. 
You are in great company.I was paralyzed from about my bellybutton down.  The 
area that was hit first was the backs of my thighs/buttocks.  But the burning 
is on my left lower leg, about sock-top high, on the outside.  I could not walk 
and though it seems insignificant when listening to some of the others, I was 
only in rehab about 3 weeks, released with an indwelling catheter, wheelchair, 
walker, etc...  After a year or so becoming wise via this group, I made an 
appointment to see Dr. Kerr at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.  On that initial 
appointment, he came to the conclusion that my "TM" was actually demyelination 
caused by B-12 deficiency.  So, no viruses, and that was why they never found 
any lesions or other markers in my spinal fluid.  I have about 5 years.  
Someone said "my body just doesn't feel right"  That about sums it up. Some 
lose hot/cold sensation, some cannot feel  sharp, while they can feel a light 
touch. Some are unable to sweat in the affected areas. Those who have TM from a 
virus have a balancing act to maintain: don't boost the immune system so much 
that you activate it to attack nerves again!--but keep it intact and active so 
it protects you.Cora in Oklahoma

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