Wonderful research, Randy!!!  Thanks!  Jeanne 
-------Original Message-------
From: randy rankin
Date: 3/25/2008 8:42:50 PM
To: TM Group
Subject: [TMIC] A month before TM -
I have asked this question myself but not as well-worded.
I have often asked myself this question. I had been in an auto accident 3-4
years prior that caused damage to my C-6 and C-7 and mid t range. However,
the accident has been ruled out as a significant factor. I am going to bone
doctor next week because I have now developed athritis throughout my spine.
My x-rays and MRI's after the accident showed NO bone problems other than
two broken bones in the neck and a lot of tissue damage.
Three weeks before the TM - i was in the National Forest and got eaten up by
mosqitoes. I counted about 19 bites on my right pinky alone. Three days
later, I got a flu-like illness and put me in bed for three days. I
basically SLEPT three days of my life away and woke only briefly during that
time to a volume of sweat. I had a fever, cold chills, and no energy. I was
also in such a fog that I bearly remember those days. I was so sick at
school that i could not see to walk and I had horrible blurred vision. 
My first neurologist believes my TM was caused from a virus that attacked at
the lowest areas of my spine. Later, the damage showed up on future MRI
proving him right about the damaged area.
My first neuro believed that I had/have early MS and that the lumbar
puncture didn't reveal this factor because it was taken at a higher area
than were the problem might be. He also suggested that the three lesions in
the left side of my brain were indicators to early MS and he believed that I
was experiencing multiple mylopothy / demylination but that it didn't show
on the MRI film and that the treatments stopped it from continuing. The MS
dianosis was dropped after future MRI's showed that the lesions were gone
and had not left scar tissue in my brain but the TM stuck because the 
increased signals" and evidence of nervous tissue imflamation was still
appareant along with the symptoms- eventhough I am improving.
Other than this, I had foot drop in 1993, 12 years prior to my presenation
of TM.
This was A BRIGHT idea!! 
THis is how we should be using this email communication. 
Good research. 

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