Rob..........I believe that my TM affliction was related to stress as well. 
This is why: I had an extremely stressful job as the lead financial analyst for 
the country of Kazakstan following the Exxon-Mobil merger. All of the 
properties were heritage Mobil and none of their Kazakstan financial staff came 
over after the merger which meant I had to start everything from scratch into 
the heritage Exxon accounting system. On top of that Kazakstan was generating 
tons of cash which generated tons of complex questions from upper management. 
Then they gave me a fresh out of school accounting major/football player to 
train. (Controllers fraternity brother). He couldn't find his butt with both 
hands. He ended up getting fired for misuse of his corporate credit card.
    During this time I decided to go on the Scarsdale diet which I had success 
with before. I was also doing a couple of miles on the treadmill or playing 
racquetball during lunch at the YMCA.  
    I think the combination of all of this caused my body to degrade to a low 
and very susceptible level. So I think that when whatever it was that got into 
my spinal cord virus, bacteria, or etc found a a very vulernable situation. 
Then my immune sytem attacked and destroyed the myelin. I never had any 
lesions. All my nuero found from the MRI and spinal tap was an increase in the 
protein level in my fluid.  
Needless to say my diagnosis was idiopathic. I am paralized at T-3/4 with 
absolutely no recovery. Seven years ago this April the 8th. It happened very 
fast, less than 24 hours and they diagnosed me very fast and put me on the IV 
prednisone treatment. All to no avail. I was in the Methodist acute care 
hospital in Houston for a month and in the TIRR therapy hospital for a month. 
I'm not sure if the medical folks that treated me did me no good or if they 
were successful at limiting my paralysis to T-3/4. At any rate I am thankful 
that I can still use my arms.............Cody in Austin (No clouds, no wind 
just sunshine and 80 degrees and tons of little peaches on our two trees.)

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