do to know about this legislation?

April 2, 2008

[recipient address was inserted here]

Dear [recipient name was inserted here],

I urge you to support the Promoting Wellness for Individuals with
Disabilities Act (S.1050). This piece of legislation has been introduced
in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA).  There is so much focus on
health care and health insurance in this country, but prevention is an
area often neglected.

As Americans continue to age in place, the provision of accessible
healthcare equipment grows in importance. People should not be confined to
their homes, based upon a lack of durable medical equipment. People with
disabilities are an active part of the community, going to work, church,
their grandchildren's baseball games, musical concerts, etc., with the
assistance of portable oxygen tanks, wheelchairs, and walkers. We have
made great strides in making public facilities accessible. Lets continue
that work with making healthcare equipment accessible. Sponsor S. 1050.



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