My butt went numb on 9/11/05
i went to a chiropractor for 4 weeks
with backache. When i began to be constipated
i sought a doctor Week 4
i saw a nurse practitioner who wanted me
to have an MRI. I couldn't get in for months
as i was traveling to another city for work,
she said if there was any change to go to
an emergency room.  about
10/6 i went to work then drove myself to  Strong's emergency room
having awakened with wobbly legs.
I was seen quickly, admitted that night, had
an MRI and other tests. Given steroids, told I had TMSpent a long weekend
moving from  walker  to quad cane to cane.
Walked out, drove home, walked with much
pain which got better but on  Monday11/14/05
at 3:04 am I lost the ability to walk as I walked
back to my bedroom after going to the retrospect the awful timing was
a lifesaver... in a few hours i would have been on the highway driving
back to Rochester...


Not long ago, someone wrote they remembered their butt going numb. When they wrote it, it struck a cord with me. I was in sales and I remember telling my co-worker that I needed a new chair or get out and make some sales calls because my butt was going number. I wish I could remember how long this was before my leg died. It had to be either the same month or the month prior. But oh, well, what good would it do if I did remember? LOL! It would just satisfy my curiosity and I could long it into my journal.
Carol in Culver


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