You know what, Kevin?  It's okay to have a pity party once in awhile.  Just
know that we are all here as not only your friends but with caring arms,
hearts and support.  We do truly care..

Jeanne in Dayton  
-------Original Message-------
From: Kevin Wolfthal
Date: 6/21/2008 12:05:18 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Thanks everyone.
Dear Friends,
Please forgive me for replying to everyone as a group who sent me such kind
messages,  my hands don't allow me to type very much now.
I can't express how meaningful your replies were to me.  The members of this
group are the only people who truly understand what we are each dealing
My Mother does the best she can to understand, and I am grateful to her for
Everything I have tried to do to improve my life since TM has run me
into one
brick wall after another.  I've had a physical therapist at my home who
me to walk around the block the first day of therapy..she didn't last long.
I got a power wheelchair and was promised it would fit in my small
didn't.  Monitoring my Mom's medications is a full time job in itself, which
I am happy to do.
There's much more, including lack of family support, and worse.  I'm
looking for glimmers of hope, I used to be a very positive person, even
worked a very physical job as a photographer for 12 years after onset
of TM.
Not a pity party, just facts, and fatigue and pain.  Thanks for being there.
Love you all,

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