I had many MRI's at the hospital back in 2003 when TM hit me.  I have had 2 
since then.  We don't shop for ours here and usually have to wait for 3 to 5 
months to get one.  We don't pay for them though. 

I can't imagine having to pay that much $$ for them.  Yikes.  

Heather in Calgary 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Krissy Z 
  To: TM List ; TMA-New-England 
  Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 3:02 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Neurologists and MRIs

        thanks for all the neuro advice everyone....I was thinking about saying 
something to him but I didn't want to alienate him, but he has alienated me so 
I think I will. Just want a doc that sits back in his chair, smiles and says 
'so how are you today Krissy?" making me feel like I'm his only patient. 
        I did shop around locally for mri's and one place was $300 cheaper but 
wanted $400 up front! and then would not bill me for the rest...or do payment 
plans! I couldn't do that...so i opted to go to the hosp my neuro uses for 
$1000  and had them bill me in installments....I guess his theory is that 
anytime i feel a slight change, he says "ok you just bought yourself and 
mri"....yes I know he wants to make sure ms isn't setting in, but maybe he 
needs to read up more on tm and know that sometimes we do indeed have these 
little regressions....and mine are minor and usually go back to where I was 
before the regression.

        We are all in this together, by ourselves.
        - Lily Tomlin

        ~I'm In pretty Good Shape 
        For the Shape I am in~


                  Now, regarding MRI's expenses.  I think I've already 
mentioned this but I'll repeat because it really intrigued me:  At the hospital 
two years ago, my roommate was visited by her very loquacious doctor.  Among 
other things, he was discussing MRIs and told her point blank that you should 
shop for them.  Make calls and negociate until you find one reasonably priced, 
he said.  Hospitals and clinics are willing to listen.  It really sounded like 
he meant it.  

                  Anyone game?  I'd love to hear if it works.  



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