Hello my  friend,
Since June 3, 2002, I have spiked  fevers on almost a daily basis and yet 
deep inside my body I  feel like I am made of ice water.  I have not perspired 
since the  onset, but when I am over-tired or late in changing my fentanyl  
patch, I have bouts of Autonomic-dysreflexia and the only thing that helps  
is valium.
It sounds as though broken  "thermostats" go hand in hand with Transverse 
Myelitis.  My basic  temperature is 97.2*  Even in the hospital with sepsis 
(blood  infection) I rarely had a temp of over 98*.  Isn't that crazy?   Most 
people would be spiking super high  temperatures.
On to other news...Now it is my  turn to ask you for your Prayers and good 
thoughts for Pam as she is in  the hospital unable to move her legs.  She told 
me that she woke up  feeling kind of funny, but went ahead and got ready for 
her day when all  of a sudden her hips and back began hurting terribly.  She 
 down on the bed and before she knew it she couldn't move her legs.   
Neighbors took her to the hospital where she was admitted right  away.  
This has happened to her before  and brings to mind the question, "Is there 
such a thing as  remitting/recurring TM, or does she have MS?"  Pam's 
neurologist  says it is TM...there are no lesions on her  brain. 
I need to go as I am having a  vancomycin IV treatment and it is about ready 
to finish.  I have to  watch the volume of medicine in the tubing to avoid 
getting air in my  pic-line.  That would do me in for sure.
Anyone who needs Pam's  phone number or address can email either Ella or me. 
I can't  reach my notebook where it is written down or I would give it to you  
Peace and  Prayers,
In a message dated 10/15/2008 7:29:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Hey Randy.  I have suspected MS (no  definite dx yet).  I've had no auditory 
or visual problems but  vertigo/dizziness do come periodically.  My sense of 
smell &  taste are also affected.  I get pins & needles in my face &  sometimes 
a sensation that someone has stabbed me with a shapened pencil  somewhere on 
the outside of my head.  All my brain MRIs have been  clear so who knows.
Here's something I've never heard discussed  on TMIC ...  Periodically, I get 
really high fever.  It  usually comes with fatigue, emotional upset, etc.  
The doctors have  no answer.  I just think it's the nerve damage screwing up my 
thermostat.  Anyone else get fever?
Diane in Canada

----- Original Message ----- 
From:  _randy rankin_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
To: _TM Group_ (mailto:tmic-list@eskimo.com)  
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008  9:29 PM
Subject: [TMIC] is this an M.S.  problem?

I have had some ear problems for the past few weeks. I went  from hearing 
well to sudden hearing problems, vertigo and  blurriness with my vision. When I 
talk, I hear the sounds of my  voice muffled up inside of my head and not like 
the usually  normal hearing. The ear doctor cleaned up my ear and it  took 3 
trips. My hearing seemed improved but a lot of the  wierdness kept going on - 
and I am hoping that it will just  clear up. 
But the reason that I am writing is because the ear doctor  said that a lot 
of my problems seemed to have a neurological  basis. I have had vertigo, 
dizziness and things just seem wierd.  My vision has been off in a very odd way 
especially when I  either try to focus or if I move my head or something moves 
He brought this up without prior knowledge of my history  with TM and the 
other oddities that I had had and wanted me to  have an MRI to check to see if 
odd auditory and vision issues  were being caused from something in my brain. 
He asked me  specifically if I had ever had problems with tingling, numbness  
or other M.S. type symptoms and thinks that my neuro should  check it out.
I'm very skeptical about his ideas yet also a little  nervous about doubting 
his speculations.
Those of you who have MS, have you ever heard/experienced  odd things like 
sudden vertigo, dizziness, vision and auditory  changes ect.? I'm very nervous 
about this. I have already gone  through two foot drops, loss of my right leg, 
loss of bladder  function and the pain and miserable mobility issues that come 
 with TM, the physical thearpy and finally I am for the first  time walking 
and getting around without spasms or pain. I am not  ready for a new bout with 
a new problem .  

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