Hello all, 
I rarely post these but do want to comment on the whole Obama issue. I'm with 
Frank,  Obama will be a great president and I suspect the entire world will see 
him as an improvement. I actually believe that most of the planet would see my 
cat Nemo as an improvement to the current administration. 
I also must concur with the view that political rants should go to forums other 
than the tmic. Otherwise folks would be subjected to rants from socialists such 
as myself who believe in wild things like publically funded healthcare, good 
jobs with fair wages, a woman's right to choose, separation of church and 
state, decent pension plans, good public services for all, a fair tax system 
where the rich pay their share.....I could go on and on but I won't. If I did 
go on I might slip and say something as political as that, in my view even 
Obama isn't far enough to the left for me....dangerous Canadian socialist that 
I am.
So....! Let's stick to the pleasant subject like how terrible we feel everyday!!
> Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 10:29:13 -0400> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
> tmic-list@eskimo.com> Subject: [TMIC] OT: New Company Policy> > Dear All 
> TMers,> > I would disagree with the original e-mail.> > Barack Obama will be 
> a great president. He has an IQ of 140. He is physically fit. I would direct 
> ypu to Google Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama.> > I have already voted 
> for Obama, as I'll be here in Montreal through election day.> > My 
> grandfather- A liberal organizer ( In Canada)- told me to vote early, and 
> vote often!!> > So get an absentee ballot, if needed, and vote!> > Thank you 
> for your time.> > F> 

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