My daughter saw this article on Yahoo and sent it on to me. Very interesting 
since some of us have TM/MS I thought you might want to read it... 
It's certainly an improvement over what's being going on with some of the 
TM'ers on this list..... :)

Frank..... welcome back!! you certainly arrived with an agenda!!! Now read this 
article tell us what you think and then have your martini...

There is always Hope! Trudy

– Researchers at the University of Cambridge said they have found that 
alemtuzumab, a drug originally developed …
> LONDON (AFP) – Researchers at the University of Cambridge said Thursday they 
> have found that a drug originally developed to treat leukaemia can halt and 
> even reverse the debilitating effects of multiple sclerosis (MS).
> In trials, alemtuzumab reduced the number of attacks in sufferers and also 
> helped them recover lost functions, apparently allowing damaged brain tissue 
> to repair so that individuals were less disabled than at the start of the 
> study.
> "The ability of an MS drug to promote brain repair is unprecedented," said Dr 
> Alasdair Coles, a lecturer at Cambridge university's department of clinical 
> neurosciences, who coordinated many aspects of the study.
> "We are witnessing a drug which, if given early enough, might effectively 
> stop the advancement of the disease and also restore lost function by 
> promoting repair of the damaged brain tissue."
> The MS Society, Britain's largest support charity for those affected by the 
> condition, said it was "delighted" at the trial's results, which must be 
> followed up with more research before the drug can be licensed.
> "This is the first drug that has shown the potential to halt and even reverse 
> the debilitating effects of MS and this news will rightly bring hope to 
> people living with the condition day in, day out," said head of research Lee 
> Dunster.
> MS is an auto-immune disease that affects millions of people worldwide, 
> including almost 100,000 in Britain and 400,000 in the United States.
> It is caused by the body's immune system attacking nerve fibres in the 
> central nervous system, and can lead to loss of sight and mobility, 
> depression, fatigue and cognitive problems. There is no cure, and few 
> effective treatments.
> In the trial, 334 patients diagnosed with early-stage relapsing-remitting MS 
> who had not previously been treated were given alemtuzumab or interferon 
> beta-1a, one of the most effective licensed therapies for similar MS cases.
> After three years, alemtuzumab was found to reduce the number of attacks the 
> patients suffered by 74 percent over the other treatment, and reduce the risk 
> of sustained accumulation of disability by 71 percent over interferon beta-1a.
> Many individuals who took alemtuzumab also recovered some of their lost 
> functions, becoming less disabled by the end, while the disabilities of the 
> other patients worsened, the study in the New England Journal of Medicine 
> said.
> Alastair Compston, professor of neurology and head of the clinical 
> neurosciences department at Cambridge, said alemtuzumab was the "most 
> promising" experimental drug for the treatment of MS.
> He expressed hope that further trials "will confirm that it can both 
> stabilise and allow some recovery of what had previously been assumed to be 
> irreversible disabilities".
> Alemtuzumab was developed in Cambridge and has been licensed for the 
> treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.

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