The first time I subscribed was in July 4, 2007 I seem to keep dropping off the list, I can post for a while and then I get refused. I subscribed again 4 days ago and had trouble posting last night. Am I missing something here?
On Oct 29, 2008, at 11:48 AM, Deborah Nord Capen wrote:

Hello Lawrence,
Have you joined the TMA? If you do so, you will receive the Membership Directory and find people in your area. There is one member in Canton, Ohio. Also, the Ohio TMA support group is very active and holds many periodic support group meetings. Once you are signed up, the support group leader will contact you and give you the information.

Or, you can go to the website at and look up support groups, and find the contact name in the Ohio support group link.

Hope this helps.

Take care,

----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence King
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 6:22 AM
Subject: [TMIC] OHIO

"3 things I have learned never to discuss with other people: politics, religion, and the great pumpkin".... Linus

I'm in Athens, Ohio and I've been told there is another TM survivor in town but my PT wouldn't give me his contact info and I don't know if she ever gave him mine. I was told he experienced nearly full recovery so I imagine he may not have felt it important to talk to me.

Mindy the Artist

On Oct 28, 2008, at 6:54 PM, kevin weilacher wrote:

Hi Ella in Ohio...may I ask where in Ohio...?
My name is Kevin and I'm in Canton, Ohio.
Hi neighbor

Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 5:24:42 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Test - can't seem to get on

I got it okay here

Ella in Ohio

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