Thank you all for your responses to my message, and yes, I heard from Neil  
as well.  I agree with what many said about the fact that it must have been  
destiny for the two of us to meet.  She felt that she really needed some  
contact at that time and in some way, that her dad had sent me to her.
It is sad that possibly, just possibly, had Erica or her dad contacted us  
that we may have been able to help them, but who knows.  Sometimes no  matter 
what others try to do to help, the end result doesn't change much.   Very sad 
But, we made a contact and that is what is important.  She is also  trying to 
spread the word about TM.  
Take care all,  Hugs, Barbara A (soon to be home in Auburn, CA  where I'll 
try to reply to each of you)
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