How great to see your name pop up!!!  Once again, you've fooled the bad guys 
returned home.  Know Dave is delighted to have you home!!
Our prayers continue, that you will find the right meds and beat this thing!!  
I can only
imagine how good home feels.......
I'm sorry that I've not been sending my love, but I've had demons of my own the 
couple of weeks. This past Monday, my hubby finally agreed to calling the 
He sent us to ER at our hospital where after 4 or more hours they had his BP up
enough that they could put him in an ambulance and take him to OKC hospital. His
BP was 45/23 when he walked in to the ER.  They didn't know how he could get up,
let alone walk!!  This threw his kidneys out of whack, which is what happens 
time something goes wrong.  Nephrologist said Thank goodness for his pacemaker/
defibrillator/resynchronation equipment!!  After a week they let him out Friday 
Know our case doesn't come close to all you've endured, but it added stress to 
of us.  And made home feel like heaven on earth!!!  I'm certain you know that 
Keep on keeping on!! and let us know WHEN they find what's ailing you!
Hugs, janh
Hugs, janh

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