I am physically capable of doing the things I did before but my mind can't seem 
to organize my day in a productive way..... This, too, shall pass.......for 
both you and your hubby....keep positive thoughts in your heart and mind!!

Mindy the Artist

On Feb 28, 2009, at 1:45 AM, Cindy McLeroy wrote:

Mindy, I forget where you are from, but if you could find a TM or maybe even a 
MS support group and take your husband with you, he might have some hah ha 
moments.  I run a support group in So CA and so many people bring someone close 
to them that doesn't quite "get it".  When they hear others describe the things 
the TM'er  has described it is as if a light goes off and a new kind of 
sensitivity sets in.
Let me know where you are from and maybe I can help you find a group near by.
Take care,
Cindy McLeroy

----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence King
To: tmic-l...@eskimo.com
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] For you MSr's

Thanks Linda,  and you too Jill for bringing up the subject! 

I don't post very often but I've been following the group off and on for more 
than a year and a half and the advice I've gotten  from everyone about meds. 
has literally saved my life.  I never lost mobility, can still skip and run if 
I have to.  My balance sucks and I use a cane from time to time but no-one 
could see my pain or have any Idea what I was (and still am) going through!  
sometime I would corner friends and acquaintances and pour out my story.  I 
would even take their hand and tip my head down in hopes that the shock would 
jump from my hand to theirs so that they would feel a bit of what I was going 
through and know that I wasn't some flake case.

after 6 months of this pain I was ready to jump off a cliff like the 
unfortunate herd of pigs who receive the legion of demons Jesus 
encounters possessing  the mad man outside of the city of Gadarenes.  But I did 
not want to hurt my husband and children.  This Sunday is my 2 year anniversary 
of TM and I don't want to jump off a cliff anymore but I still trying to come 
to terms with it all,  I've come a long way but my husband is still a bit 
baffled by the changes in me.  he has reaffirmed his commitment to me and our 
marriage of 22 years but he has a long way to go  when it comes to 
understanding the remaining me and the new parts that have been shaped by this 
invisible pain.

I figure that medical researchers have until my 8 year old turns 22 to come up 
with effective central pain syndrome treatment or cure... and yes I    continue 
to pray for it to go away.  the shocks don't bother me as much as the 24/7 

I hope we all find it gone someday!

Mindy the Artist

On Feb 27, 2009, at 9:31 PM, L T CHERPESKI wrote:

I have that too, Mindy - not 24/7 though.  My lesions are high up like yours, 
C4,5 & 6 and I get the shocks down both arms and hands, and when I bend my head 
I get them from the right side of my neck up the right side only of my head. 
That's a real special one.  
Jill, I don't have MS either.  I think with these crazy diseases there are many 
symptoms that are similar.  Does that ever go away???  That would be nice, but 
I've had TM almost 7 years now and I still have these symptoms.  I'm sure many 
people do not have them anymore - and I hope yours go away!
Linda - Eagle, ID
---- Original Message -----

From: Lawrence King
To: tmic-l...@eskimo.com
Cc: Lawrence King
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] For you MSr's

I have L'hermettes sign on top of the sensation that I have my finger stuck in 
a light socket 24/7.  Imagine that, electrocution with electric bursts... but I 
don't have MS.

Mindy the Artist
TM March 1, 2007

On Feb 26, 2009, at 10:47 PM, Jill Z wrote:

I know some of us TMr's turned into MSr's and I was just wondering have any of 
you experienced that "Lhermette's sign" when you bend your neck forward and get 
electric down your legs?  And does that ever go away???
Jill in Chicago
TM '04
MS '09 :(

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