Hello Again Janice:


I live in S.E. Wisconsin in a small town east of Madison, WI.  I am 70 yrs
old, one of the senior citizens and was 69 when I got sick.  My story
started last June.  Believe it or not, but I got sick on our wedding
anniversary.  We were to celebrate our 45th.  The day before, on a Saturday,
I noticed when I got up that morning that my balance was very unsteady.  I
was babysitting for my 2 beautiful granddaughters and didn't think much
about it.  After their Dad picked them up, I thought I was coming down with
UTI, so I went to our local Urgent Care Clinic.  They said I did indeed have
a UTI and gave me a script.  I mentioned to them about my balance problem
and the fact that my legs felt as though they were full, not exactly
painful.  They didn't make anything about it.  I took the meds that day, and
the next morning, Sunday, I felt so much better.  We were going out to
dinner with friends to celebrate our anniversary.  Had breakfast, and went
into the shower.  I noticed when I was lifting my leg to get into the tub, I
had to help my right leg as I couldn't lift it.


After my shower, as I was getting dressed my legs just gave out and I landed
on the floor.  My husband was out cutting the grass and I knew he wouldn't
hear me call.  I was able to crawl to my cell phone.  My youngest daughter
and her family live just down the street so I called my daughter Lisa.  She
came over right away.  I told her to call 9-1-1 and was more concerned that
I was not completely dressed.  She helped me get on a nightgown so I was at
least covered.  The EMT's arrived in minutes and was transported to our
local hospital.  They diagnosed TM right away after a spinal tap and MRI.
They put be on steroids immediately and admitted me.  I was not able to move
my legs at all.  In fact, if they fell off the bed I had to call a nurse to
come and pick them up.  Of course, like most of us, I have complete
incontinence.  After 6 days, they transferred to a larger hospital that had
complete Physical Therapy.  They worked me pretty hard for the next 4 weeks.
I was able to walk with a walker when I left the hospital.  I do not have
complete feeling in my feet so I cannot balance properly so I can't stand
alone.  I experience burning in my legs and feet.  The burning feels as
though my feet are in ice water so they always bother me.


I am lucky that I don't have the constant pain or muscle spasms.  At this
point, I don't know how much more I will improve.  I take it one day at a
time.  I have been able to go back to work part-time (just 2 afternoons a
week) with my walker.  I am a pretty tired puppy when I get home, but it
feels good to be out with people.  Plus I get a lot of exercise which is
good too.


I do get depressed at times.  In the beginning, I spent a lot of time crying
in the shower so no one could hear me.  I am sure that is natural for all of
us.  I know I am lucky to have a husband that is so good about all the new
responsibilities he has.  Also, my 2 daughters are so helpful.  As I said my
youngest lives just down the street, and my oldest lives about 30 minutes
away.  Her job requires her to do a lot of international travel, so she does
what she can which is appreciated.


I hope with the new stem cell policy we will find some type of a cure for
all of us suffering from nerve and spinal cord problems.  I think the part
that I hate the most is the bladder and bowel problems we all have.  I don't
have to self cath, but do have to wear absorbent pads all the time.


I guess this is enough about me.  I hope we hear more stories from the rest
of us.  


Take care all.


Patti in Wisconsin

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