Well, talking about feet.
I guess I should say that I don't always watch my feet.

Tonight would have been a good time to watch my feet but don't think it would have helped my situation.

We drove into our driveway after being at the grandsons first birthday party.
Husband lets me out on the driveway as we park two cars in the garage.

I got out.
My right foot (which is my weak foot) goes out first, followed by me turning my body,
putting my left foot out and hoisting myself with my cane etc.

I stood up (or tried to,  like I usually do).
However............my right foot remained firmly (and I mean firmly) planted.

I moved.
My right foot didn't.
I was enough out of the car that I shut the car door.

Then BAM...............down I went.
Onto my right hip, side etc.

Hubby (thank goodness) couldn't figure out where I moved to so fast. (do any TMer's move fast?)

Fortunately he realized that I 'moved too fast'.
He got out of the car and there I was.

Flat on my side.

On the driveway. with my cane and purse with me.

Glad he didn't try and drive into the garage.
Not sure how much of me was near the car.

So..........not too sure if looking at my feet would have helped.
Haven't had that happen for a while, that my right foot doesn't want to go when I want to.

It used to happen quite often.
So Pieter had to help me stand up.

That is my story and I'm sticking to it.
Now I just have to wait and see if I end up with a big bruise on my right hip and see if my
right foot will be swollen tomorrow.

Hope everyone else had a good weekend.
The wee grandson had a good birthday and ate his first taste of chocolate cake. Too cute.

Heather in Calgary

----- Original Message ----- From: <pjv1...@chartermi.net>
To: <tmic-list@eskimo.com>; "Betty Shaffer" <vasso...@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 6:33 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] transverse myelitis

Hi Betty
Welcome to our on-line TM family. I was diagnosed in 2003 at age 53 at C4-C6. I also have balance problems and just gave in to using a walker during a short vacation. I was surprised that I was able to walk and enjoy looking at something besides my feet. I hadn't thought about the seat problem, however, your right - I look and touch before I sit. I think we TMers have trust issues. We just don't trust much of anything that has to do with where we are or where we're going to be in the next few seconds!

Patti - Michigan
---- Betty Shaffer <vasso...@gmail.com> wrote:
I'm a new subscriber to the TM internet club and find the messages
I was diagnosed with T.M. ( Cl and C 2 level) in 2004 at the age of 77.
Numb from my toes up to and inclucing my neck, I rar3ly feel pain but have much discomfort from the banding, especially in my torso and neck. I walk
well with a walker, but need my eyes to tell me where my feet ( and seat)
are.  Without the walker , balance is a problem.

Anybody have problems similiar to those ? I live in a retirement home where
I'm able to walk and to exercise 5 days a week, and I know this helps.
There is no support group in the area

Betty in Oregon

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