Barbara,You have always been there for everyone on this TMIC list... with  hugs 
and all. I had no idea you were in so much pain. Sleep is crucial to even 
trying to have a "good day". It's rainy and miserable here and my legs are 
giving me some real problems. I did take a vicodin since I will be here in the 
house all day cleaning etc. (my clothes washer has been broken for a week  :) I 
also have learned to give myself some "recuperation" time when I've over done 
it. Someone a very, very long time ago posted the "spoon" theory. I thought I 
had saved it. But it was a great way to explain how fatigue, pain etc...  
effect your day. You've only got so many spoons.... Taking a shower, blow 
drying your hair, just getting "out" the door uses up a spoon or three!... I 
don't remember it all but it was a great way of explaining your "day" to 
friends.... cause of course we all look "so good" how could we be in that much 
pain or fatigue or anxiety????Take care and hugs to you!Trudy

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
It empties today of its strengths.

Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 00:03:45 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] copy of my response

I forgot to include the TMIC when I answered these nice messages of advice so I 
am forwarding to the group.  Thanks again ladies and Rob.

Hugs, Barbara A

-----Original Message-----



Sent: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 8:56 pm

Subject: Re: [TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2009 #361

Hello Ladies,

I already have another TV, actually, we have 5 TV's in the house and I have my 
own laptop, with WIFI.  I didn't ever think of taking it outside though, that's 
something interesting to try and see if it'll work.  That's one of the reasons 
that I've been in the bedroom so much though, lol!!!  It's been too easy to do.

It's ok if I spend most of the day when I need to recuperate after a day of 
overdoing it, but I just don't want it to be too big in my life, and that is 
what had occured.  I am working on that not happening too often now, and so 
far, so good.

Thanks for all the support!  I appreciate it!!!

Hugs, Barbara A

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