Aku,What an awesome accomplishment! I am trying to commit myself to 
"journaling"I do enjoy going back and reading what I wrote weeks ago. Hard to 
explain! I have a book from when I was in rehab for 5 weeks back in 02... I've 
come a long, long way..But I do not have the gift for "poetry".  Would you 
consider sharing some of your poetry with us???  For Christmas my son gave me 
the book Birdsong - Rumi A persian poet. I have also bought so many cards by 
Maya Aneglou - her poetry is beautiful and she also has such agift for writing 
verses that you felt but didn't know how to put into words.  
I am also going to try Naltraxone but I think I'm supposed to slowly wean 
myself off of Lyrica? What has been your experience with Naltraxone? 
ShalomTrudy - in wet, rainy, damp Virginia -  hey  - maybe I'll try to turn 
that into a poem.I doubt it tho... my growing up years you weren't even allowed 
to color "outside the line"

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles; It empties today of its strengths.

> Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 17:40:44 -0400
> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
> From: a...@artfarm.com
> Subject: [TMIC] New Month, New Efforts
> April was National Poetry Month and I met the challenge of writing at 
> least one poem a day
> every day in response to prompts.  Over 30 new works!!!
> I am so proud of me, as since contracting TM, my writing has 
> suffered, as has my reading. I wrote a couple of poems about my 
> condition-- which I generally avoid.
> Yesterday after a long struggle(10 months) I got to see a neurologist 
> a few blocks away, who listened, renewed my script for Naltrexone and 
> is pursuing getting me therapy at  home!
> (The neurologist I went to in my pcp's practice took my money  and 
> told me he "only does stroke" would ONLY refer me Strong Hospital, 
> which is 110
> unreachable (and unaffordable $700 roundtrip) miles away and refused 
> to renew my script)
> I slept today until 1p.m. (9 hours) and  i didn't realize how much 
> energy it took.
> I found out that the deadline for the 5310 grants for paratransit 
> vehicles was today.
> But I learned that there is a taxi service that has a van in the city 
> next-door. Their costs
> are prohibitive ($36), but not outlandish ( like the school bus 
> company that charges $75 just
> to show up).
> Again if anyone has any information on nonprofit startups or funding 
> for paratransits, it would
> be welcome.
> Happy May Day!
> Akua
> -- 

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