There are so many new things out there and most I can't even pronounce!! 
Keep us posted on that one because it is supposed to be good exercise and
easy to do!  Jeanne
-------Original Message-------
Date: 5/26/2009 11:58:18 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Wii Fit
I'm wondering if any other of the "walking wounded" have tried a Wii Fit? I
just got one for Mother's Day (it's something I asked for).They place a lot
of emphasis on balance, which I have trouble with. Hopefully there will be
some improvement on that front!
It has one exercise where you step on and off the board. Some years back I
had tried low-impact step aerobics, but my knees couldn't handle the step.
But the Wii board is low enough that it is no problem.
So far it's pretty fun, though I am not placing well as far as scores go.
But at this point I'm just trying to get some kind of movement and activity
in, whether I make big scores or not. But even my younger and more active
sons enjoy it. I didn't think it would be challenging enough for them, but
it is.
Barbara H.

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