Oh, Jan..I had to laugh at your saying those who ask about what happened to
you are sorry they asked???  I laugh at that very thing so often!  I have
strangers come up and ask and then after I start telling them, they get this
blank look on their face and this, "I wish I hadn't asked" look in their
eyes..  :)

I was raised in a very small town, too, which makes us getting together even
more important.

We also have a '60's Chick's Lunch once a month in Grandview where we
graduated for all ages of 'girls' to meet up and just enjoy each other.  It
doesn't matter what year we graduate, everyone is invited.  It is so special
-------Original Message-------
From: Jan Hargrove
Date: 7/2/2009 12:17:06 PM
To: Janice;  tmic-list
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Class Reunions
TM came to live at our house one year prior to my 40th reunion....a girl in
my sis's 
class, whose brother was in my class, and my sis came for the weekend......
went to all three day's events with me and when I tired they knew the signs
quietly took me home.

I still live in town where I went to high school so many of the local kids
knew I'd
been paralyzed so there wasn't too much explaining I had to do, course I had
'fore mentioned guard dogs who did lots of explaining, if I was asked.......
Since that time I've joined the group of locals who did planning for our
45th and 50th, 
then after our 50th we started meeting at Hideaway Pizza, owned by classmate
pizza and beer one Thursday each month. We even have members who live
miles from here that come for pizza........secret is: if you're not there,
you're fodder 
for discussion!!
As we begin to 'lose' members, we are seated en masse at the services then
vide meals for the family and classmates.
I don't worry about being accepted........those who come and don't know what
with me just ask and I tell them enough that they're sorry they asked, and
they don't ask again and warn others not to ask......it works every time..
I assume you realize that our class was +/- 150 members, so we've known most
every classmate and that makes returning for reunion especial.....and
we look for signs of aging, weight issues, balding or gray, etc....That's
So I'm saying, Go!! Have Fun!! Don't sweat those who don't understand, you
you're okay and that's all that counts!!
!!!!!!! TIAD !!!!!!!!!!     janh Stillwater, OK

--- On Wed, 7/1/09, Janice <jan...@centurytel.net> wrote:

I have another question for you all that want to answer:
I will be having another class reunion shortly and graduating from the
hometown high school, I was usually one of about 15 that
helped to plan it.    We had around 500 in our graduating class.    Anyway,
I am debating whether or not to be a part of the
planning or even attending the reunion.    This is the first reunion since I
got clobbered with TM.  I still have to use a cane and 
would maybe need my wheelchair.    I was fairly well known and I am afraid I
would be answering questions all nite about TM.     My question is:
     Would you let TM keep you from attending a reunion?    Be honest.   If
you were faced with this decision this weekend,
what would you do?




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