im not writing this to sound discusting,but i have a serious problem and want 
to know if any of you have ever went through this and how you handled it.
first of all let me tell you all i am very comfortable with my sexuality and 
preferance,but recently some very confusing feelings have crossed my mind,let 
me start by saying when i was 16 yo i had sexual contact with somone of the 
same sex,i think it was more out of curiosity than anything else,but i enjoyed 
it and after that i started going with people of the opisite sex,but i never 
forgot that first experience,well i got married and have 4 children and myself 
and my wife of 16 years split up last year.
here is the problem,ive had ms for 9 and a half years and like some on the list 
i have problems with paraplegia and im in a wheelchair so i dont need to give 
the details as most of you can pretty much figure it out,but i find myself 
craving for sexual contact and have even thought of contacting my friend from 
when i was 16 just for somthing,i am not gay,but this is like torture and its 
all i think about and its driving me crazy,just the thought of the same sex 
makes me wonder about myself and what the heck is going on inside my head,im 40 
years old and never imagined this,but im desperate.any advice would help.



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