No, he didn't at the time, just suggested that I eat some yogurt, which I did.? 
The problem was that I was getting pneumonia several times a year for 2 years 
in a row and he last time I was in Florida for my sons wedding and had to go to 
an urgent care facility and they prescribed Amoxicillin for me.? That did me 
in.? Plus I was away from home and it made it so much worse for me having 
diahhrea, trying to think of the fact that I should be on vacation enjoying 
myself and the family celebration going on and feeling?so poorly.? 

I can't tell how much money I spent on probiotics that I've purchased from the 
health food store over the years trying to get my gut back in shape.? But, 
after suffering from my gut issues caused by the antibiotics, which caused the 
C-diff, I'm happy to say that I'm feeling so much happier these days after 
taking the Culturelle.? I used to have several days per month that I couldn't 
leave the house, actually, could hardly leave my bedroom, as I had to be that 
close to my bathroom.? My PCP told me that after having the C-diff my gut may 
get somewhat improvement, but may never be completely healed.? Sound 

Happy trails to all, I can leave the house?with some confidence.? Hugs, Barbara 
A from Auburn, CA?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Mon, Sep 21, 2009 8:40 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth ~ ANTIBIOTICS & 

Regarding the problem you had with antibiotics..... 

I don't understand why doctors don't prescribe

probiotics along with their antibiotics....or at least

tell their patients to take can buy them

over the counter........? It would

solve the "bad bug" problem and eliminate the

diarrhea (sp?).

?? Hugs,? Lynn



In a message dated 9/18/2009 11:37:26 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

What's wrong with just eating the prunes?? I've used dried fruits, prunes, 
apricots, etc. as well as food that has a lot of fiber like beans, depending on 
what the situation is over the past year and have finally been able to regulate 
myself.? After 9 years of bowel problems, this has been so much help to me.


I haven't had as much trouble with constipation as I have had with loose 
stools.? Frankly, for me, constipation has been much easier to deal with, but 
that's my body.? Now that I've said that, I hope things don't go back to having 
problems again.? There were many times, sometimes for months, that I was afraid 
to leave my home.? I suffered from C-diff, where the bad bugs?had overtaken my 
gut and there were hardly any good bugs left.? It has taken me a long time to 
balance that out again.? That's what antibiotics can do to you if you take a 


Hugs to all, Barbara A




-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 9:58 am
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Prunes for those with a sweet tooth

Okay girls.....if you want to make this cake more healthy....:-)

do not use the corn syrup....that is the worse thing you can

put in your body....use the honey.....

also.....substitute olive oil for the veg. oil.


I learned from a chef that you can substitute olive oil for

any oil in your recipes....and you can substitute butter in

any recipe that calls for shortening or margarine.


I've been a happy baker ever since.? :-)

?? ~ Lynn


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