> Wondering if anyone uses help in your own home. Looking for
> light cooking, laundry and cleaning.  How did you find your help?


In Freeport, ME, there is a community agency that has a list of Volunteers. We 
have heavy-Duty Volunteers who lift heavy things- these guys are highschool 
students. We aren't supposed to pay but usually tip them.  We have light duty 
volunteers from time to time. When we need more help it will be there for us.

My daughter graduated from a primo School of Science and Math in South 
Carolina- this was the first of it's king in the US.  It was staffed by 
University of South Carolina professors.  One requirement for graduation was 50 
hrs of volunteering.  Universities look very favorably at students who 
volunteer.  I took this idea and sent it to the lady who runs the Freeport 
Community Center's volunteering.  She loved the idea and called up the 
superintendent of Schools and they are slowly adding this to the curriculum.  
So we will have lots of helpers, inside and outside the house.

So, try phoning your local town hall and ask around.  Often volunteers are kept 
secret. Few people want to tell everyone that they actually need help.

Good Luck


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