
The couple we were using were not from any agency. I hired them during a crisis situation last year when my Mom suddenly became ill and had to go into a nursing home. They are a doorman in my building and his girlfriend. In the beginning they seemed nice. Then I found out she was on SSI for emotional problems and they became abusive. There was nobody to complain to, and they threatened my Mother and me more than once. Don't forget that some of us are more vulnerable than others. I'm glad your help has worked out for you.


Laura Beaudin wrote:
I find that in the city I live, a lot of people complain about the caregivers hired by the government for the homecare programs. I've had nothing but pleasant encounters with them...ok, except for the first team which I complained about and they are no longer dispatched here. I think a large problem is that people don't speak up when something is not up to par. They can't read our minds and new PCA's often need guidance to help them get their job to the way we like it. Good communication right from the beginning avoids trouble later on.


On 05/12/2009 2:04 PM, Kevin Wolfthal wrote:

Well, I think the powers that be finally gave my Mom and me a break. I hired someone from Companions and Homemakers, and she just finished. She is WONDERFUL! Efficient, friendly, kind, and just a lovely person. She's coming back tomorrow and I hope this isn't too good to be true.

Just when you give up hope in humanity..


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