I don't if this questions was directed at me or Barbara or both. I would be, 
interested barbara, in knowing your area of attack.
As for me, Dr. H. was more concerned with getting me walking again than giving 
me answers to a lot of questions. He is a GOOD man. He stayed at the hosiptal 
throughout the night monitoring my progress (and others under his care of 
course).  I do believe that I am walking because of him.
Nevertheless, I have either never thought to ask or he hasn't told me.
he said at first "m.s." then said that the test ruled it out and said "multiple 
myelopothy." Another doc said that multiple myelopothy and m.s. were the same 
thing - just the m.s. had legions and myelopothy didn't (that was my 
non-medical comprehension of all the jargon.)
My neurologist finally concluded it was multiple myelopothy with transverse 
mylities because the symptoms and test results lead to that conclusion and also 
because he predicted that i would start having bladder problems with six to 
nine months.  In Feb the next year I did indeed stop peeing and had problems.  
He speculated strong that it was TM.
Last fall, I suddenly had vertigo, balance problems, heavy fatigue, tingling in 
face and pain in face.  The MRI (2 separate ones from 2 places) showed 
increased signature (whatever that means) in two facial nerves coming from the 
brain stem.  I was told it was trigeninal neurologia.  Pain meds didn't touch 
it but neurotin and tegretal helped. I had wierdness from October 08 until 
about mid Feb 09 and then everything was gone. I grew better and like a brand 
new person until the first 3 days of June when the facial pain came back with 
an alarming strength and after taking the meds for 3 days it finally went 
away.  I could not function mentally those 3 days - I stayed on the couch.  
NO one has really given me direct answers to anything except that I have 
"textbook" m.s. symptoms but no supporting test results except for the TM and 
the TN. 
I do not know where the damaged area was at.  I don't know if it was right on 
the spine or on the transverse nerves coming off the spine.  I've read a lot in 
the literature on the subject and seem confussed with the definition of TM.  
Most conclude that TM HAS to be directly on the cord itself.  Some suggest that 
the tranverse nerves coming off the spine can be damaged and TM can be 
diagnosed.  I wonder if that is just for the anatomical terminology - 
transverse - for the direction and mylitise (myelopothy) for the action that 
The doc says that my present symtoms are coming from my neck and even though 
he did acknowledge that a damaged disk could cause it, my examing primary care 
doc said 'no', he said that the fact that I am having this shocks without 
touching an item and then simply touching an item sounded troublesome.  
So far, the only symptom that I am having is that my right hand hurts deeply - 
it is not like extremly painful but there is a deep brusing feeling. There is 
also one around c6 and in my right shoulder blade - just one spot.  I'm not in 
extreem pain at all.  It only hurts when i bend my neck down and I get 
this "funny bone" feeling in my elbows and my right arm starts feeling like 
I've been working on - also my right shoulder and right flank beneath my arm - 
ONLY when I put my head to my chest. The main pain is in my right elbow and 
muscles in my arm.  

The only other thing is that 2 days before the shocks, all my muscles, except 
my left chest, back and gut, seemed to be tightening all at once.  Even in my 
arms back, stomack and ESPECIALLY the back of my legs and even in my feet.  
I woke Thursday and all my muscles were pulled together.  I was in such pain. I 
wanted to jump up like I had had a charlie horse and pull those d&*() muscles 
back in shape! But i could NOT jump up. I had to roll off the bed.  Then for a 
good while I could not get my arms to do what I wanted them to do and I was 
like frankenstein's monster - stiff as a plank in my legs and my arms seem to 
do the opposite to what I wanted them to do.
Afterwards I was sore as if I'd been in the gym for the past three days. 
I'm trying to think that it is because I've been sitting way to much because 
all I ever do is work on this dissertation paper - write and research write and 
write - and sit sit sit.  I am hoping that sitting too much is the cause 
because then I can just get off my fat butt and walk lol. 
--- On Sat, 1/9/10, Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net> wrote:

From: Janice Nichols <jan...@centurytel.net>
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question
To: "Barbara H." <barbara...@gmail.com>, "randy rankin" <rj_ran...@yahoo.com>
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Date: Saturday, January 9, 2010, 11:31 AM

How high up did you all get hit by TM?     Give me the part of the body, not 
the #.        Thanks, Janice

From: Barbara H. 
Sent: Saturday, January 09, 2010 10:40 AM
To: randy rankin 
Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
Subject: Re: [TMIC] sympom check question

Yes, I have experienced "electric shock" symptoms in different places. It was 
most disturbing on the back of my head -- I really thought something was going 
wrong inside. But it was just a nerve in the muscles misfiring and setting off 
that "jolt."

Barbara H.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 3:39 PM, randy rankin <rj_ran...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 I would like to know if any of you have had the following symptom(s)
I try to read everything people write and this might have already been 
Yesterday, I had a power electric shock to my entire right arm to the tip of my 
fingers.  It wasn't a moving sensation.  The entire arm just felt like I just 
grabed an electric wire. 
The only motion that I made before it happened was to raise my RIGHT arm up to 
write on a board. I think I raised my head upwards to look at the board.
less than two hours later the same even happened to my RIGHT arm except I 
looked down, from a seated position, and reach to get my cell phone.  The 
second that I touched the phone and just started to curl my fingers around it a 
more powerful electrical shock hit my entire right arm. It hurt and frightened 
Has anyone exprienced this?
The back of my neck has been hurting.  It does NOT hurt to move my neck except 
to look down.  I can't stand that.  


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