Hi Kevin,

I usually try to write messages directly to people, which is why I sent my 
response directly to you.  I think that it doesn't sound like a coincidence 
that the social worker who came to see you also works for the nursing home.  

I did not assume you to be a hoarder, nor did I say it, but I as well tend to 
clutter things up, so I can relate.  I don't think there is a counter or table 
that doesn't have clutter on it in my home.  If there is a surface, there will 
be clutter most of the time.  It's one thing that I have always struggled with. 
 I think I have ADD, as even when I try to clean, I am so scattered, that I go 
from one thing to the next, without finishing what I started or moving most of 
it to another place.  I am really bad at throwing things that I've saved away.  
Then, it's really hard to clean up myself in a short amount of time as it's 
hard physically, but I don't want anyone else making decisions on my stuff.  
So, my papers/stuff really never totally get cleaned, just moved when I do 
clean, and that makes it so much harder when I get around to trying to tackle 
it.  It seems to multiply.  This is why I suggested that you get help trying to 
clean it up so that you won't be hassled by the social worker and can get it 
done quicker.  I can relate.

Probably more than anyone ever wanted to know about me, but that's it in a 
nutshell.  I'm a terrible procrastinator.  

Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Wolfthal <wolft...@optonline.net>
To: Barbara Alma <balmat...@aol.com>; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 3:41 pm
Subject: Re: [TMIC] OT: Threatened

Hi Barbara, 
My Mom wouldn't tell people she falls a lot. The paramedics that came for her 
wrote something 
down that caused this. 
It is odd that the woman that came today represents the same nursing home my 
family has been trying to force us into for 3 years. 
I just spoke with a woman who is a state disability advocate. She saw a strong 
conflict of interest with the above fact, and gave me a number for legal 
assistance. Also, I HAVE benn having the clutter cleaned up already with help, 
and told the woman this. I have stuff near my bed so I can get it when I need 
it since 
I am mostly bedridden now. Yes there's some papers, but it's not garbage and 
not hoarding. 
A social services agent who represents a nursing home. Good scam. 
Barbara Alma wrote: 
> Hi Kevin, 
> I wish I could tell you something warm and fuzzy, but someone has > stirred 
> the pot. I am so sorry you are going through this. 
> Somebody has stated that your mom falls a lot. Your mom may have told > 
> somebody between the hospital and the rehab that she falls or it may > have 
> been told by your other family members, but nonetheless, the > social 
> services has this in their files and has made the home visit. 
> It sounds like you have a huge problem. It may be the best thing for > you to 
> try to get help from the people who come in and help you and > your mom to 
> clean up the clutter if it is more than you can handle > yourself. You are 
> being very heavily scrutinized at this time and I > don't think it'll go away 
> unless you can satisfy them. 
> Hugs, Barbara A in Auburn CA 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Kevin Wolfthal <wolft...@optonline.net> 
> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 1:05 pm 
> Subject: [TMIC] OT: Threatened 
> Two weeks ago my Mom got sick at home. I called 911 and she was taken > to 
> hospital. She's doing better now and is in a rehab home for PT. > Today a 
> woman I don't know came here and said that the hospital called > her because 
> my Mother falls a lot at home and they are concerned about > her. My Mother 
> doesn't fall a lot. The woman threatened me to clean up > our clutter, (yes 
> there is clutter but it doesn't prevent our > movement), or else a social 
> agency will come next and remove us!! She > left her card. She is an MSW at a 
> nursing home. Coincidentally, it's > the same home family members have been 
> pushing us into. Something > weird about all this. I think I need legal help. 
> Kevin 

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