In a message dated 3/6/2010 4:48:36 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

My Mom is in a deep depression..refusing food and hydration..barely  

The doctors are trying different medications. I'm  scared.

Please keep your prayers and good thoughts coming.

Bless  you all..

Hello Kevin,
Of course I will keep your mother  (and you) in prayer. I had guardianship 
of an elderly cousin (I was 35 and she  83) who was in the same state of 
mind as your mom yet when the doctors could  not think of what to do, I had 
them to place a feeding tube so she would have  nourishment and liquids. Have 
they suggested this for you? Another thing to  think about doing is to have 
them play some music that she loved or maybe read  a book, look at 
pictures...anything but leave her alone in her head. Be  blessed and take  

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